Experience and Training
Devon Sophia Delaney has some training in Curative Education with Robyn Brown, and participated in the Waldorf Teacher Training with the Center for Educational Renewal, "an in-depth study of Rudolf Steiner’s works and the arts is an essential part of the training, through which students are better able to understand human development, the Waldorf Curriculum, oneself and the times in which we live. (Center for Educational Renewal)" Curative Education is the deepening of Waldorf Education, it is a healing approach to teaching. "Curative Education takes a very individualistic and holistic approach to each child. Generally the teacher attempts, through artistic expression, to bring those aspects of body, soul and spirit, which are out of balance, back into equilibrium. This is often, but not exclusively, done by emphasizing those elements of colour, movement, form and sound which embody the opposing polarity to that characterized by the child. Through this process the child is helped to develop a healthy sense of self. (Steiner Education Australia)"
Devon has California Education Specialist and Art Teaching Clear Credentials, and she has over six years of experience working as a Special Education Teacher in Alaska and California, and served as a Special Education Teacher in a Public Waldorf charter school in Sonoma County, California. Recent endeavors include co-directing the creation of the 2nd Annual Wellspring Conference at Sophia Hall in September 2018 with the Language of the Heart branch of the Anthroposophical Society. Devon Sophia also is a visiting practitioner at the Songbird Community Healing Center in Cotati, California, and has participated in ongoing, monthly and seasonal events including the Hands of Gold, walk-in sessions, Solstice and Equinox Sound Celebrations.
While spending healing time with family in Southern California, Devon completed her training in Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy Coursework, and it was during this healing time on the Winter Solstice that she began her interest in Rudolph Steiner's work including the Camphill Movement, Waldorf Education and Anthroposophical studies on Spiritual Science, and she attended the Alliance of Public Waldorf Education National Conference in Sacramento.
Devon spent a powerful two-week healing journey in Europe, including a spiritual journey into the Magdelene and ancestral lineage in Southern France, and Glastonbury. Devon returned to spend the holidays with family, knowing it was her time to be there, and that was when the Thomas Fire happened, and it was a transformational process for all in the surrounding community through the element of fire, and the rising of the phoenix within.
During the Summer Solstice to the Fall Equinox season of 2017, Devon Sophia Delaney lived in Mount Shasta, where she experienced powerful alignment and embodiment of her I Am Presence, through Union with the Divine Source Presence, and including her etheric crystalline self. She trained in Shambhala, Heaven's Light, and started Divine Sophia Sister Circles between sacred journeys to the crystalline lakes and waterfalls. In the Summer of 2017, Devon transitioned her middle name to Sophia, to honor the sacred Divine Feminine lineage. Through recent genealogical research, Devon realized that Sophia is the middle name of generations of her grandmothers, and this knowledge she was unaware of when she changed her name.
The Autumn Equinox of 2016 led Devon into a path of discovery as she embarked into the group consciousness journey of crystalline gridwork and Reiki Mastery. Through her awakening, Devon found her telepathic abilities and awareness coming into existence. Through the Gratitude Center, she received her certification as a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Devon came across gridwork, after intuitively accessing materials about the ascension of consciousess on Love Has Won. She has written poetry for this publication that can be found on her blog. Working with a small group of gridworkers, including Zoe Davenport and Katie IndiCrow, she learned how profound our connection to the natural world is to accessing our connection to the spiritual world. She recalls the amazing experience of communicating with a human team telepathically, spiritual guides, elementals, and working energetically through the etheric and astral levels of consciousness to support the ascending consciousness of humanity in a harmonious way, aligned with Divine Will. Coursework included Gridwork 101 and collaborative teaming.
It was Devon's experience in gridwork that allowed her to deeply understand the works of Rudolph Steiner, and see parallels into her own intuitive research and her life journey. Accessing the Imagination, Intuition and Inspiration are all foundational elements to access higher consciousness according to Steiner, and were all necessary to be successful in the area of gridwork. The imagination and intuition allowed access to the Mer-Ka-Ba, a time-space travel spiritual tool that allows one to travel anywhere in space and time through the power of consciousness, and the inspiration is the element of Love that the human spirit brings forth. Through a personal discovery of love, Devon learned that "with great power comes great responsibility," and to be inspired, yet responsible in the activities of gridwork, all crystalline gridwork is in Divine Will. This means that it is for the highest and best good for All Creation, of their own freewill. It is important to always honor freewill, and act in Divine Love and Wisdom. In her year long mission in planetary gridwork, Devon learned that anchoring Love into the crystalline grid is the greatest service of the human spirit to Gaia, Mother Earth.
Additional Training:
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga & Ayurveda Center
Elementary Methods in Reading and Multiple Subjects at UCLA Extension
Immersive Training in Waldorf & Curative Education Methods
California Cleared Credentials Education Specialist (MM) & Art
Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Coursework
Her Mystery School, A 9 Month Immersion into Deep Feminine Sovereignty, Illumination, and Revelation Course
Certificated Nurtured Heart Approach Trained Facilitator
Gratitude Center, Certificated Usui Reiki Master, Level 2 and 3
Alohem Center for Transformational Studies, Illuminated Mind Seminars: Intuitive Mastery, Illumination, and Transformation
Celestine Center of Healing Arts, Akadua Level 1 Attunement
Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) CLEAR Certificate & Autism Authorization
University of Alaska, Social Emotional Learning and Wellness through the Arts Coursework
Reiki Level 1 Attunement and Pranic Healing
Stillpoint Lodge, Alaska, Expressive Arts Training Retreat
Centers for Spiritual Living (Science of Mind), Foundations, Meditation, Power of Your Word and Visioning
Portland State University, Masters in Education, Secondary Dual Educator Program (Inclusive Practices)
Academy of Art University, Graduate Level Coursework in MFA Animation & Visual Effects Program
Landmark Education, Self-Expression & Leadership Program (Coaching), Communication: Access to Power & Power to Create, Money Seminar
UCSD, BA, Major in Visual Arts (Media) & Psychology Minor