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Dearly Beloveds,

We are gathered here on this beautiful planet, we call Gaia to bear witness to the marriage of the divine masculine and divine feminine within.

We are also gathered here to witness the falling away of what no longer serves this holy matrimony. We are witness to the losses, the grief, and sorrow as the old worn out patterns are stripped away from us, to step into the divine ecstatic intimate union.

I realized the necessity of earthing to tune into my ability to hold space, express, and act in loving wisdom. I realized that I really do best when I am able to nurture a loving physical space for myself, before doing that for others. And that when my life moves in a new direction, a change in the wind, to anchor the love into this new place. I also realized that my preferred way of earthing is on the beach in the sand, often times where the water meets the sand. As I have allowed this direction to unfold, then I found myself earthing on the grasses as well.

Instead of getting on the road with a cluttered car, I pulled everything out. Then went to get the car vacuumed and washed. Allowing it to reach its zero point.

As much as I wanted to drive north, this weekend, after a week filled with so much healing, clearing, crying, and forgiveness work. I turned inward, and felt into every painful as well as beautiful memory, and sent it love. I gazed in the mirror, and told my soul to hold loving space for my expansions and contractions, to hold loving space for my successes and failures, to hold loving space for my true voice to be received, honored, and understood. I lay rest, and integrate this new awareness that all is well within. This zero point has arrived. And with this zero point, I crawl forward in the grasses. I surrender to the divine, to divine will, and still honor the freewill of others. I nurture my soul with zinc, elderberry, tulsi rose tea with cocoa, and himalayan salt baths with rose oils.

It is beautiful to inquire into our unique divine masculine. What is our deepest expression? Our outward explosion of love? What degree can we confidently express and act in accordance with our divine truth, word, and deed?

It is also beautiful to inquire into our unique divine feminine. What is our deepest calling? Our inward implosion of love? What degree can we hold loving space for ourselves? in relationship? for the collective?

I realized how far I could go in holding loving space for others, and where I was being stretched out of my comfort zone, into unknown territory. I felt such a huge heart expansion, and then was given the opportunity to stretch further to allow others to process, as I do my best to hold space without reacting, or giving my side of the story. This was not an easy task, and was a struggle into more growth, expansion, and love.

This has really been a moment of surrender.

The surrender for the moment, as the doves begin to coo again,

is what is mine to hold space for and create in Ventura County?

Where have you been pulled into a state of surrender, and answered that call?

With Love, Light and Wisdom,

Devon Sophia Delaney

Published for a Class on the Evolution of Consciousness through Music:

Music is the sound vibration of air molecules, and the silence in between. Unity Consciousness is thinking, feeling and acting in ways that unite us to ourselves, others, nature, and to the God of our understanding. This unity consciousness lives in each note. Elsie Hamilton emphasized Rudolf Steiner’s observations of the unity in music by these words, “in music we shall be able to hear not only a note, but also what is behind the note, its spiritual content.” We are called to return to wholeness as humanity, to Unity Consciousness through the tonal vibration and resonance of our own hearts.

As the evolution of consciousness through music has unfolded, we have moved from the greatest unity, to the greatest individual expression, and now we are returning to the wholeness out of which we came, and which we never left. Since the time immemorial, the Shamans echoed the drum beat of the mother earth, creating a unified field of sound, through the rhythmic shamanic drumming, chanting and playing the flute, made from bone. A deep spiritual connection to nature and the elements is felt through this single tone. According to Primal Vibration, from The Secret Power of Music by David Tame, “the audible sound is considered to be an earthly reflection of a vibratory activity taking place beyond the physical world.”

So, how did we depart from a such a primal vibration of oneness? Throughout time, we have learned that human beings can compose melodies. The first melodies retained the meditative spiritual quality, with the ascension and descension of tone as civilizations rose. In India, healing sanskrit ‘Ragas’ were sung, and played with sitar and bamboo flute. In Ancient Egypt, the rite of passage, death was honored in ritual by harp, lute and sistrum. The ritual of group consciousness through the Tibetan chant revered the creation of the world.

It was with Ancient Greece, that individual expression arose. Pythagoras, is a pivotal figure in the vibrational alignments that we know of as the music of the spheres. He believed he could hear the music of the spheres, and that the body could be healed through vibrations, and with music. From the article, Audible and Inaudible Sound, from The Third Ear by Joachim-Ernst Berendt, the Third Ear, the ‘intuitive’ ear for vibration, tone, sound and music, much like the third eye, intuitive sight, is spoken of in high regard. The third ear, supports in tuning into frequencies, sounds, and vibrations beyond the sensory world, it is a spiritual sense.

As societies forgot this unified field of vibration, and sought materialism and power, music took on an atonal quality. With the Baroque, it was intentionally distorted, and the Romantic Era brought dissonance. With the Modern Era, music became a playground for artists, with the “Emancipation of Dissonance” to the “Retention of Melody.” The contemporary period brought forth a soothing unifying quality invoking the mysteries of the universe through the “Cosmic Mystery of the Triad.”

In Joachim-Ernst Berendt’s article, he spoke of the music of the solar wind and the geomagnetism. It feels current for these times, to be tuning our ‘third ear’ to this vibration, as we tune into the mother earth, Gaia, humanity and the evolving consciousness of the music of the spheres.

Published for the Songbird Community Healing Center Newsletter:

On December 21st, we are illuminated by the light of the Winter Solstice. This is the shortest day of the year, summoning in the light, as we celebrate the sun’s return. Astronomically speaking, the Winter Solstice, also known as Mid Winter, is the day with the shortest period of daylight, and the longest night of the year. Happening twice a year, one time in each hemisphere, “the Earth’s pole has its maximum tilt away from the Sun,” (Wikipedia). In the Southern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice is celebrated in June (when we celebrate the Summer Solstice). The Summer Solstice honors the outer warmth and light, whereas the Winter Solstice honors the inner warmth and light.

Through the cultures of time immemorial, the return of the sun has been perceived and received with varying perspectives, and all with great reverence. Neolithic monuments in New Grange, Ireland and Maeshowe in Scotland, are aligned with the sunrise on the Winter Solstice. Stonehenge is oriented towards the Winter Solstice sunset. Ancient Solstice Celebrations, such as in Ancient Rome, Saturnalia, was a holiday, that honored the god of agriculture. It was a week long hedonistic period when the harvest was abundant, and things were turned upside down. Peasants controlled the cities, slaves were masters, and businesses and schools were closed, so everyone could join the celebration. On December 25th, the ancients also celebrated the birthday of Mithra, an ancient Persian god of light. Mithra blended with Sol Invictus, and become god of the “unconquered sun (” There are a plethora of stories of the great mystery of Winter Solstice, each with a message of overcoming the darkness by bringing in the light

We are illuminated by the light within. The Winter Solstice is a time of honoring the Divine light in each other. Sacred candle lit passage leads us ever more deeply into the soul spaces within our being. Sacred verse of illuminated text and song creates a rhythmic pulse of the flame everlasting. Sacred ritual draws in a circle of community.

Songbird Community Healing Center will be hosting a Winter Gratitude Celebration on Saturday, December 15th, to gather in sacred community. We will be honoring each other, the Winter Solstice, and our journeys along this labyrinth lantern lit pathway of life, as we walk hand in hand through the darkness, into the light. The winter holidays, shine a light on gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most simple tools for freedom, and so often forgotten. Be ready to release any darkness that has been holding you back, be held in loving space, and be bathed with sacred sound in a vibrational field of love. Create your own illuminated text of pure intention, sing your sacred soul song, and celebrate harmoniously in love, wisdom, and the warmth of cherished community festivities.

Blessings on your Winter Solstice with love, illumination, gratitude, and celebration!

I am in so much gratitude for friends, family and to be on a team of beautifully compassionate practitioners at the Songbird Center. I honor the light in you.

Devon Sophia Delaney is a holistic teacher, practitioner, and sound healer. She is a trained Reiki Master, and studied metaphysics for 13 years. The intent of Devon’s work is wellness in the soul, by accessing your inner well of wisdom through the frequencies of love and light.

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Devon Sophia is a Yoga Instructor, Reiki Practitioner and Sound Energy Practitioner Offering Livestream, Online and In Studio Classes, Events and Sessions. Align & Rise in Love
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